Baninder Goomer tried to avoid the field of education as a college student, but her destiny was stronger than her will. Ms. Goomer comes from a strong lineage of educators; stemming from a grandmother who was a Montessori teacher in pre-partition India to her great-aunt in Kenya, her sisters, cousins, and mother. She believes in the power of education to change lives, elevate humanity, and provide purpose, as she centers her work around these values.
Ms. Goomer has worked in the Edison Township Public Schools as a teacher, staff development trainer, principal, and now as a Chief Academic Officer. She has also held supervisory positions in Robbinsville Township Public Schools and Princeton Public Schools where her roles varied but included Kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum and professional development. She also presides over the Middlesex County Curriculum Council as Co-Chair and has been published in the NJPSA Journal Educational Viewpoints.