MLK School is thrilled to be participating in the annual
St. Jude Children's Cancer Research MATH-A-THON.
This is a worthy cause as students/staff/community have an opportunity to make their character count at KING with their donations as well as practice grade level math in the Math-a-thon 'FUNBOOK'. Together and to date, we've raised over $114,000.00 and hope to reach our 2025 goal of $6,000.00.
Permission slips will go out March 10th and need to be returned no later than March 18th in order to participate in the March 31st, weeklong event.
Students will receive a Mathathon booklet and collection envelope on March 31st only with a signed permission slip.
Students simply complete their 'funbook' math problems and collect donations from family and friends (in CHECK form only-No Cash) and return their collection envelope and prize selection by April 7th to their teacher.
We are very excited to kick-off this yearly event and make our character count at KING! With these donations, many scientific advances can be 'Paw'ssible for many sick children!
If you have any questions, please reach out to